The next-big-thing is CLOUD

After a long vacation

(日本語は後半にあります。Japanese follows)

I've been absent from blogging for 2 years.

One of my friends through blog said a joke, "I was worried if you passed away cause you've not been blogging for a while."

If you blog or write something, you might understand how worse you feel in many ways when you CANNOT write anything than when you write a lot.

There're many possible reasons we cannot write anything: politics of organization/project we belong to, insufficient expression, serious theme (sometimes I don't know even whether I should write about that), and so on.

Recently I started to tweet cautiously. I've been silent for a while because of no chance/sense to start tweeting albeit the account has been created before.

Let me give you an example: I restarted to play catch and practice swing after 2 years I haven't even touched a glove. Now I'd love to play the game again from the heart when I'm with a scent of fresh grass on the ground. An absence of 2 years may make me think in such a way, albeit I'm nervous now.

A new effort is tweeting in English: I've been blogging only in Japanese before.

Another finding from 2-year absence is my passion about U.S. high-tech industry (for me, it's the most exciting place in the world since I've been in Silicon Valley). It's so fantastic people read my tweet living in various countries: U.S., U.K., Canada, India, Italy, Slovenia, Korea, etc, in addition to Japan.

I'm exciting to blog again about many pieces of a complex puzzle I've stored. Stay tuned if you like.










あと、祝☆再開ということで、ブログのドメインを取得しました。今後は、http://blog.vietmenlover.net/ でブックマーク等していただけるとうれしいです!



I will recommend not to wait until you get enough amount of cash to buy all you need! You can just get the mortgage loans or financial loan and feel yourself comfortable

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