
ゲーム機は"IBM Inside"?

MercuryNews.com | 11/13/2006 | In video game consoles, IBM has been a clear winner

No matter whether Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony wins the video game console war, there already is one huge victor: IBM, which designed and makes the microprocessors for all three units.

IBM is expected to win about $3.7 billion in sales of chips and associated design services this year, up from $2.9 billion last year and $2.5 billion in 2004. Analysts estimate the unit is profitable.

But even those gains don't capture how much game chips have galvanized IBM.

Using the engineering consulting work it did for Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony as a model, IBM has formed a new ``technology collaboration solutions'' unit that's expected to post $4 billion in revenue this year. Internal projections call for that division to hit $10 billion by 2010 and $20 billion by 2015.



それにしても、任天堂のハードウェア(ゲーム機)が一番売れているのはお膝元の日本じゃなくてアメリカ(正確には「アメリカ大陸市場」だと思われる。カナダや南米も含めるって意味)だというのはちょっと意外だった。ソフトに至っては、ユニットベースで、Gameboy AdvancedとGameCubeは半分以上がアメリカ市場の売上になっている。NYTimesやWall Street Journalでも、大々的にゲーム機の特集を組んでいるのも納得。


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